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My Sublime Text 3 Packages

I’ve really appreciated getting a glimpse into the ST3 tools others are using (the latest of which is John Blackbourn’s which was inspired by Dominik Schilling’s) and so here is my own.

Here are the packages I use(d):
Update 06-21-2017: For the most up-to-date list of the packages I use, scroll down to the Package Control Settings snippet.

The theme I use is Seti_UI, and the colour scheme I use is spacegray base16-eighties.dark.

Here’s my Preferences.sublime-settings file:

    "always_show_minimap_viewport": true,
    "bold_folder_labels": true,
    "caret_extra_width": 2,
    "caret_style": "blink",
    "close_windows_when_empty": false,
    "color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme.tmTheme",
    "default_encoding": "UTF-8",
    "ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,
    "font_size": 11,
    "highlight_line": true,
    "highlight_modified_tabs": true,
    "jsdocs_extend_double_slash": true,
        "@since ${1:[since]}"
    "jsdocs_spacer_between_sections": true,
    "line_padding_bottom": 1,
    "line_padding_top": 1,
    "material_theme_tree_headings": true,
    "open_files_in_new_window": false,
    "overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled",
    "scroll_past_end": true,
    "show_encoding": true,
    "show_tab_close_buttons": false,
    "tab_size": 3,
    "theme": "Material-Theme.sublime-theme",
    "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,
    "word_separators": "./\\()\"':,.;<>~!@#%^&*|+=[]{}`~?",
    "word_wrap": true

And my Default (OSX).sublime-keymap file:

    { "keys": ["super+shift+alt+w"], "command": "toggle_setting", "args": {"setting": "word_wrap"} },
    { "keys": ["shift+alt+f"], "command": "go_to_function" },
    { "keys": ["ctrl+super+shift+up"], "command": "swap_line_up" },
    { "keys": ["ctrl+super+shift+down"], "command": "swap_line_down" },
    { "keys": ["super+k", "super+s"], "command": "swap_case" },
    { "keys": ["super+k", "super+c"], "command": "title_case" },

    { "keys": ["super+ctrl+a"], "command": "alignment" },

        "keys": ["super+ctrl+shift+a"], "command": "align_tab",
        "args" : {"live_preview" : true}

    { "keys": ["super+b"], "command": "next_bookmark" },
    { "keys": ["shift+alt+b"], "command": "prev_bookmark" },
    { "keys": ["super+shift+b"], "command": "toggle_bookmark" },
    { "keys": ["super+shift+option+a"], "command": "expand_selection", "args": {"to": "tag"} },
    { "keys": ["alt+b"], "command": "select_all_bookmarks" },
    { "keys": ["super+."], "command": "goto_definition" },
    { "keys": ["super+alt+d"], "command": "goto_definition" },

    { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+d"], "command": "file_diff_menu" },
    { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+e"], "command": "file_diff_menu", "args": {"cmd": ["opendiff", "$file1", "$file2"] } },

    { "keys": ["ctrl+super+alt+t"], "command": "open_termx_terminal" },

    { "keys": ["alt+m"], "command": "markdown_preview", "args": {"target": "browser", "parser":"github"} },

    { "keys": ["command+alt+j"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "console", "toggle": true} }

And finally my Package Control.sublime-settings file:

    "bootstrapped": true,
        "Case Conversion",
        "Clipboard Diff",
        "Color Highlighter",
        "Default File Type",
        "Ecmascript Syntax",
        "Focus File on Sidebar",
        "Function Name Display",
        "Gitignored File Excluder",
        "Gutter Color",
        "JavaScript Console",
        "Markdown Extended",
        "Markdown Preview",
        "Material Theme",
        "Nettuts+ Fetch",
        "Package Control",
        "Text Pastry",
        "Theme - Soda",
        "Theme - Spacegray",
        "Vuejs Complete Package",
        "WordPress Customizer",
        "WPCS Whitelist Flags",
        "Xdebug Client",
        "YUI Compressor"

I hope this list (and the lists of others) are helpful to you and that you’ll carry on the tradition and write your own post. Let me know in the comments if there are any killer packages I’m missing out on.

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