Posted on December 20, 2012
<?php add_action( 'all_admin_notices', 'testing_testing_testing' ); function testing_testing_testing() { echo '<div id="message" class="updated">'; get_your_loop_no_trans(); get_your_loop(); // get_your_loop( true ); to not use transient echo '</div>'; } // BEFORE TRANSIENTS: function get_your_loop_no_trans() { $stuff = array( array( 'title' => 'thing 1', 'desc' => 'a description' ), array( 'title' => 'thing a', 'desc' => 'another description' ), array( 'title' => 'thing 2', 'desc' => 'a third description' ), array( 'title' => 'thing b', 'desc' => 'a ~fancy~ description' ), array( 'title' => 'one more thing', 'desc' => 'one more description' ), ); // your object or array to loop through // Your loop here: ?> <dl><h3>This is a definition list</h3> <?php foreach ( $stuff as $key => $thing ) { ?> <dt>This is <?php echo $thing['title']; ?><dt> <dd>Description: <?php echo $thing['desc']; ?><dd> <?php } ?> </dl> <?php } // AFTER TRANSIENTS: function get_your_loop( $delete = false ) { if ( $delete == true ) { // delete the transient if the $delete flag is set to true. delete_transient( 'your_transient_name' ); $data = false; } else { $data = get_transient( 'your_transient_name' ); } if ( $data === false ) { // if we haven't found a transient, do this // Will tell you in your source code that the transient is NOT being used $transuse = "\n<!-- not using transient -->\n"; $stuff = array( array( 'title' => 'thing 1', 'desc' => 'a ' ), array( 'title' => 'thing a', 'desc' => 'another ' ), array( 'title' => 'thing 2', 'desc' => 'a third ' ), array( 'title' => 'thing b', 'desc' => 'a ~fancy~ ' ), array( 'title' => 'one more thing', 'desc' => 'one more ' ), ); // your object or array to loop through // start building our $data variable $data = '<dl><h3>This is a definition list</h3>'; // Your loop here: foreach ( $stuff as $key => $thing ) { // continue building our $data variable $data .= '<dt>This is '. $thing['title']. '<dt>'. '<dd>Description: '. $thing['desc']. '<dd>'; } // This wraps up our $data variable $data .= '</dl>'; // if our $delete flag isn't set, set our transient! if ( $delete != true ) set_transient( 'your_transient_name', $data, 86400 ); // time in seconds: 86400 is 24hrs } else { // This means we HAVE found a transient // Will tell you in your source code that the transient is being used $transuse = "\n<!-- using transient -->\n"; } // Display our $data, (whether it's a transient) or not and wrap it in the $transuse html comments // in order to tell on the front-end if the transient is being used (view source) echo $transuse . $data . $transuse; // if $delete is not set to true, than only the first viewer of the "get_your_loop()" will endure // the query/loop etc. for subsequent users in the next 24 hours, it will be a lightning fast option grab. }
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