CMB to CMB2 – a migration tale
In her post, Mika Epstein (@Ipstenu) wrote about the process of porting some CMB code to CMB2. I especially appreciate the last paragraph:
Simply put, CMB2 does it well, obviously, and simply. The code is easy to understand and implement. I wish it was in core. It’s around 3 megs, but 2 of them are from translations, so it’s really not as horrible as all that.
Thanks Mika! —
Posted on March 28, 2016
Don’t Repeat Yourself. Use WP Lib Loader instead!
I’m a huge fan of the DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) school of thought, and doing a thing once, and doing it well. Because of this, if I sense there’s any chance the code I’m writing is something that… Read More
Loading the Optimal WordPress Object Cache Implementation
On the webdevstudios blog, I wrote about wrangling your object-cache.php file. Check it out.

Posted on September 5, 2015
Bookmarklet to Toggle Lists Display in Basecamp
I created another bookmarklet that allows some UI elements for toggling Basecamp list display. Very handy for unruly projects, or trying to drag and drop that pesky task from one list to another.
Posted on September 3, 2015
Script to Download High-Resolution Images from Instagram’s Website
For some unknown reason, at this time, Instagram does not offer a way to consume the raw images from their API. This means that the max-resolution available over the API is 612×612. This also means that those nifty… Read More
WPSessions: “Custom Meta and Settings with CMB2”
Last Friday I had the privilege to present on CMB2 for WPSessions. If you use CMB2 at all or are interested in getting started, I HIGHLY recommend you purchase that session.
Please support WPSessions and CMB2 by purchasing the session here.
My presentation/notes for that session can be found here.
Giuseppe Mazzapica on: “What is the best way to initiate a class in a WP plugin?”
Giuseppe Mazzapica wrote a very thought-provoking and insightful response to the question “What is the best way to initiate a class in a WP plugin?” on I definitely recommend a read. It will probably make you smarter.
Posted on February 2, 2015
The false economy of Free WordPress plugins… — originally published by Dan Harrison (of
The one thing that people love about WordPress and the plugins is that they are free. Sure, they don’t cost any money. But they’re not truly free.
You can ask on the WordPress support forums for some help. Or you could email the developer for some help. You might get some help. But what if you don’t get any help? You’ll probably need to pay for some help from a techie or a developer.
But what does it feel like to be the developer of a free WordPress plugin? Read on to find out more…
Posted on January 7, 2015
“CMB2: The Metabox Strikes Back” Presentation – WordCamp Raleigh ’14
This talk will cover using custom metaboxes, fields, and forms to provide structure to your data, as well as keeping WordPress very easy to use for clients. By leveraging CMB2, a major rewrite of the popular “Custom Metaboxes and Fields for WordPress” library, you’ll be able to enable all sorts of awesome things in your WordPress sites with minimal code effort.
Follow along with the slides over here.
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