DsgnWrks Importer for Instagram

This plugin is now longer available on the WordPress.org plugin repo as Facebook asked to have it taken down for copyright reasons.

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67 Comments on “DsgnWrks Importer for Instagram

  1. Pingback: Create An Awesome Instagram Photo Website Using WordPress

  2. Pingback: instagram -> Wordrpress blog | kobak pont org

  3. Pingback: BLOG: Meine Plugins | NUTZHIRN

  4. Pingback: Introducing Boergstagram - Das Leben des Boerge

  5. great plugin ..
    a info, it is possible to disable a specific #
    # # example red and white is no

  6. I am having a problem. the text in my post preview (view in instagram) is not actually showing in the post, when i view the post it is displaying a media rather than the full post, can anyone help me fix this as i want the view in instagram to show

  7. Hello
    Since a few Days I have the problem that it’s not automatically posting/importing the pictures. I’ve already checked it several times and it’s on “once hourly” (the “after 5 min” is gone?) and the imported post status is “published”. After once hitting manually it’s importing but as this function is not working from mobile phones I’d really need it to work again :'(

    • Schedules/cron is not something I’m able to support as this is almost always an issue with your web host. Can you please open a ticket with them requesting that they look into this? Mention that scheduled events are not firing. And as a test (and something to report to them), try scheduling a few posts to see if they publish when they are scheduled to.

  8. Love this plugin – awesome timesaver – works perfectly except for when the Import Status is set to “Published”. “Draft” or “Pending” work fine. Manually publishing is fine – but it would be nice if I could get an import to go straight to published. Any ideas?

    • So turns out the importer was only having issues bulk publishing a number of IGs during the initial import. Now that its set up and running, its having no problem importing IGs directly to posted one at a time.

  9. hi there, I love this plug in it has been so handy!

    But i was wondering if there is a way to prevent the posts being uploaded to the general ‘home’ page?

    Ive got new instagram pictures set up to come through as posts and they automatically go into my instagram section but I don’t want them clogging up my home page – if there is a way to prevent this I would appreciate any advice!


  10. Pingback: The Social Media Fallacy-Business Income From Social Media

  11. Hi,

    THis is a great plugin, however I am having issues deleting users.

    I get “infinite redirect loop” on Chrome and Firefox asks “Are you sure you want to delete this user” but when I click yes, nothing happens.

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated. I’ve rated your plugin 5 stars!

  12. Pingback: So, Instagram | Multi-faceted Abnormal

  13. I tried using this plug-in, but the authentication timed out and then after that it just tried redirecting me to shady sites, including a spoofed instagram log-in screen… that’s a bummer.

    • Oh no! I’ve been having issues with my Instagram authentication server, but never with redirecting to shady sites. Can you give me more information? And what were the shady spoofed sites you were referring to?

  14. Hi, thanks so much for this super plugin! I am not even advanced enough to be considered a novice at websites and coding – I know enough to be dangerous. :) So, I’ve imported a month’s worth of photos into my blog and LOVE this feature. However, I’m having issues knowing where to add the override filter for image size. I thought I had changed my blog’s settings for featured photo to a smaller size – but it’s not working and the photos are HUGE.

    I’ve googled and tried to figure this out on my own but cannot figure it out. Is there any way you can give me a little more help with keeping photos are more manageable size? My blog is private, so I can’t really link you to any posts, but I don’t think the problem is really blog-specific as it is user-error.

    • I had the same problem, and I didn’t know what to do, either. I finally fixed it by editing the file at wp-content/plugins/dsgnwrks-instagram-importer/dsgnwrks-instagram-importer.php.

      There are two lines at 1212 and 1213 that are trying to calculate the imgsize. I added a new line at 1214 that looks like this:

      $imgsize = ‘medium’;

      And it “works” for me. That is, instead of having huge images on my posts, it sets the height and width of the image to 300 pixels.

      Maybe you could try ‘large’ instead of ‘medium’ if 300 is too small?

  15. It would be great to be able to import just on Tags. So not connected to any account just import images with a certain hashtag.

    is that possible?

    • It’s not possible without getting approval from Instagram for that API endpoint, and they would not grant that to me, as they don’t want people slurping up Instagram content if it’s not their content.

  16. File: dsgnwrks-instagram-importer.php
    Line: 1438


    if ( $delete ) {


    if ( $delete !== false ) {


    If the key to delete it’s 0 you can’t delete the user.

  17. Pingback: #instagram と#wordpress を #Instagram Importerプラグインで連携させれば最強のモブログ更新環境が実現できる。 The quickest update on my #wordpress blog using #instagram importer plugin. – ベトナム起業日記

  18. hi, i like your post, but this plugin doesn work on my altervista site, i don’t know why

  19. Would appreciate the effort you made to make this plugin.

    It was working very smoothly and suddenly it shows no new shots to import i’ve cleaned everything all the content deleted permanently but it imports only 4-5 videos nothing more than that it would skip images and limit the import to 4-5.

    i also installed the debuger could you please check it for us we are using it on http://www.oloomad.com, we can pay you for your valuable time.

    Kind Regards

  20. This plugin seems like exactly what I’ve been looking for.

    Following your advice to “set the date further and further back between imports till you have them all” I started out importing my three most recent photos. Made some changes to the settings based on what the import looked like (would love to see an option to set a default image size other than “so big it overflows my layout”). Then set the date back a few more days, and … nothing. It claims there are no more photos to import. No matter how far back I go with the date setting, it simply says “No new Instagram shots to import.”

    • I need to make that clearer, or remove that comment altogether. The plugin will not import items older than the newest ones it has imported. To fix it, you will need to delete (and empty them from trash) the ones you have already imported, then set the date filter to the furthest date you want (or remove the filter), and just let the plugin run (without closing the tab/window). It may take a while, but it should keep running and eventually grab them all.

      • Cool. That trick allowed it to start downloading posts again. But this time I noticed two problems.

        First: it doesn’t know what to do with multi-image posts. It just seems to skip them entirely. I guess I could live with that, if necessary.

        But second, and more problematically: it downloaded 64 posts and then said it was done. I have over 1000 posts I’m trying to move to my blog. I noticed that where it stopped, there were two multi-image posts in a row. Maybe that killed it?

        I have no idea what the API it uses looks like, but the other potential clue is that the oldest post it successfully downloaded was less than 7 months old, and the newest single-image post it was not able to download was older than 7 months.

        • Yep. Deleted all 64 WP posts and then went into Instagram and archived one of the two consecutive multi-image posts, and then started the import up again, and it successfully imported all of my single-image posts from Instagram. There were about a half dozen multi-image posts that I had made, and it didn’t import any of those. But I’d still consider this a pretty big success. Thanks so much for creating this plugin!

  21. The plugin was working just fine until it stopped importing automatically. I tried to import manually and then it went kaput. It won’t let me uninstall it from WordPress, so I went ahead and deleted it from cpanel on my server. When I reinstall it by uploading it again to my site and then activate it, I only see my username and everything else is blank. What I don’t understand is why my user is still hanging in there after the unistall/einstall. It’s not showing up on my IG authorized apps either. It looks like I haven’t deleted all necessary data from my cpanel and some info is still there? Maybe that’s why a reinstall won’t fix the problem? I’m quite a techie, but not that advanced. Please help. Thank you.

  22. Do you have a list of all available tags that can be used during import so I can customize the post title and description.


  23. Hi Justin, thanks for the great plugin! As a few other users have noticed, the auto-import function no longer works. I even tried adding this plugin (Scheduled Post Trigger) but it didn’t help.

  24. Thank you for making this plug in! I’m so glad to be able to import Instagram to my blog! But I don’t understand how to specify a title for my blog post from Instagram. The way it’s set, it puts my entire text from my Instagram post as the title. Is there a way to make it import only the first sentence, or say the first 6 words, as the title?

  25. Hi!
    Thanks for the great plugin!

    Everything works, but I have one problem – when i have a several photos in one post in instagram.
    Tell me please how i can import if post in instagram have a few photos?

  26. Hi. Just updated to latest version.

    It works fine but not with: Jetpack by WordPress.com

    Just a heads up re: the plugin clash.

  27. Amazing plugin and exactly what I was looking for. Problem I’m having though; when I import an IG post that has multiple pictures, I am getting multiple copies of just the first picture in the set. Is there any way I can fix this?

  28. Super plugin. Out of your control I’m sure, but I think changes to Instagram recently mean your gallery option is currently broken.
    I see a few users complaining on the WordPress site that gallery posts are just multiples of the first image. I’m experiencing this myself. I don’t think your plugin has changed in a while so I suspect it’s an instagram change that’s caused this!

    • I assume the same, but also assume there must be a way to pull those in. Is there a fix coming?

  29. What happened to the plugin? It has been removed from WordPress.org 3 days ago.

    • Instagram/Facebook have asked that the plugin be removed, stating that it violates their brand guidelines, since “Instagram” is in the name.

      • Hm, bad. Are you thinking about releasing the plugin under a different name? Is that possible?

          • Well…i think they dont want to lose content even it is OUR content. The content us the user.

            As soon as you call the Importer “Importer for Instagram” its no longer an abuse of their trademark. But right now users can think its an Importer from Instagram. (im selling since 20 years online and had the same issue with big brands as Samsung, Apple etc.)

            Just one question:
            The plugin works great for me. But is there any way to use the hashtags as title or limit the title to xx letters? (like the php trim function)!?

  30. Hi! I used this cool plugin, but after some days then I click MORE, nothing happens, i.e. no more old instagram photo showing. Could you say me why?

  31. Hello is the end of DsgnWrks? I receive a notificaction like

    The Plugin “DsgnWrks Instagram Importer” has been removed from wordpress.org.
    Type: Plugin Removed

    Any news about this?

    • See his reply from the 13th of august:

      “Instagram/Facebook have asked that the plugin be removed, stating that it violates their brand guidelines, since “Instagram” is in the name.”

    • Just install it and use the hints other users gave.
      Or contact me…its running fine in my blog hisky.de

    • I suspect Facebook have changed something in their API that has broken this plugin right now. Looks like the last pics that got pulled for my site were on June 28th… ever since then anything new I’m adding is getting a “404 error” when it attempts to update.

  32. I suspect Facebook have changed something in their API that has broken this plugin right now. Looks like the last pics that got pulled for my site were on June 28th… ever since then anything new I’m adding is getting a “404 error” when it attempts to update.

  33. No longer working as of June 29th. https://www.instagram.com/developer/ has more information about the Instagram Legacy API permission being now disabled.

    If you come out with a instagram importer for Business accounts with the Graph API, or know of anyone that does have one, let me know. Thanks for the great plugin!

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